Veliyathunadu, Aluva


24 Hours working

Welfare Association Trust

Welfare Association Trust (WAT) is a Charity Organization registered in 1993 and since continues its services to human kind.  Welfare Association Trust is working with the concept of welfare of the Mankind with underpinning socio-economic & political development plans. Each unit run under Welfare Association Trust is working hard for the upliftment of marginalised groups and to provide justice to the victimised.

We firmly believe in inclusivity and do not discriminate on any basis, be it caste, religion, age, sex, or creed. Our services are available to a diverse client group, ranging from widows, orphans, and street-dwellers to mentally and physically disabled adults, both men and women. We extend our care to the elderly and destitute, as well as distressed and destitute women, acknowledging the unique challenges they face.

Our advocacy extends beyond immediate care; we advocate for the rights and needs of our clients. We endeavour to be a voice for the voiceless, working tirelessly to address systemic issues and create lasting, positive change in their lives.


An Ideal Society


  • Food, clothing, shelter, education and job for everyone.
  • How the weak, the invalid and the elderly are taken care of..
  • 100% free world standard healthcare.
  • 100% free world standard education to everyone.
  • Environmental protection.
  • Totally corruption free.
  • An undivided society.
  • Total local development.
  • Unity in diversity.
  • Happiness than pleasure.
  • Free from all types of slavery.
  • No Competitions