Veliyathunadu, Aluva


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Our Journey

“Welfare Association Trust: Pioneering Change Since 1993”
The Trust started its activities in 1993 under the visionary leadership of Founder Chairman Dr. Mansoor Hassan and Vice Chairman Mohammed Iqbal. Initially focused on providing financial, medical and ration assistance to impoverished families, as well as educational support for children from economically disadvantaged families.

In 1995, a monumental milestone was achieved when the Trust initiated a project to construct homes for homeless families, providing them with shelter and security. This endeavour marked the beginning of the Welfare Village project, dedicated to housing the most vulnerable members of society.

The Trust’s compassionate outreach extended further in 1997, when it opened its doors to an elderly man, offering him shelter and food. This act of kindness soon led to the expansion of this service, accommodating more elderly individuals in need including males and females.

The year 2002 started a day care centre catering to differently-abled children, providing them with specialized care and attention. Shortly after, a special school was established with just five students and one dedicated teacher.

This humble beginning leads to the raising of a thriving institution, serving 117 children and employing 30 committed staff members. Later the year, the trust stopped the running of the special school when the government started buds’ school in every panchayaths.

In 2004, the Trust took a significant step forward by registering under the National Trust Act, solidifying its commitment to advocating for the rights and welfare of the people in need.

In 2014, the Trust unveiled an old age home, further fortifying its dedication to the elderly population. In between the year the founder chairman Dr.Mansoor Hasan started a charitable hospital in the trust premises which offer medical assistance to the residents as well as out patients in the community. In 2017, the Psycho Social Rehabilitation Centre was started, offering mental health support and resources to the physically and mentally ill people.

In 2018, shelter home for girls under the age of 18 years was started and it works more than three years and by the experiences trust understands that women who are in distress state faces more problems and it turns the start of new initiative of the trust in 2022 a home for women in distress.

Today, Welfare Association Trust continues to be a driving force in promoting social welfare and inclusive community development.