Veliyathunadu, Aluva


24 Hours working


Community Initiative Programs

“Harmony in Action-Empowering Communities”

Through these initiatives, Welfare Association Trust endeavor to create a brighter, healthier, and more inclusive society for all.

Niravu – Meals for Poor Patients and Bystanders of Government Hospitals: In partnership with local hospitals, Niravu provides nutritious meals to those who need it most – poor patients and their families. This program ensures that no one goes hungry during a difficult time.

Manasam – Mental Health Awareness: Promoting mental well-being is at the core of Manasam. Through awareness campaigns among the general public and educational institutions, we aim to erase stigma and foster understanding of mental health.

Mukthi – Anti-Drug Campaign: Mukthi is our dedicated campaign to educate and raise awareness about the dangers of drugs, while providing support to those struggling with addiction.

Disha – Awareness Classes for Students: Disha guides the next generation towards informed choices. Through tailored awareness sessions in schools and colleges, we empower students with knowledge about critical life issues.

Thalir – Environment Protection Activities: A green tomorrow is our collective responsibility. Thalir focuses on environmental conservation, including afforestation initiatives, to protect and preserve our planet for generations to come.

Vamika – Women Empowerment Programs: Women are the backbone of every community. Vamika equips them with the tools and skills they need to thrive, fostering independence and self-reliance.

Medical Camps: Reaching the unreached is a priority. Our medical camps bring healthcare to remote populations, ensuring that even those in the most isolated areas have access to basic medical services.

Spectrum – 7 Days Residential Camp for College Students: Spectrum is an immersive experience for college students, fostering personal growth, leadership skills, and a deeper sense of community engagement.